Anthony Barsoumian, an artist born and raised in Pasadena, California, was inspired as a young child by the architectural backdrop of Pasadena which had helped cultivate his love for interior and design. Anthony has a degree in Fine Arts and Visual Communications, as well as, a Masters in Clinical Psychology. In 2001, Anthony opened an art studio in Los Angeles where he painted abstract expressionist paintings in large scale for over a decade. His art studio was located in the heart of the current “design district” in Hollywood and was the perfect bridge into the design world. The young artist began exploring the world of antiquities by visiting notable antique dealers in the area in between painting sessions. This is where his influence of interiors pivoted. Anthony immersed himself into the world of interiors and vintage furniture. He studied every era of furniture design while building his own esthetic. He did not know at the time that his new medium was shifting from paint and canvas to lighting, chairs and tables. He loved transforming rooms the way he transformed blank canvas. Anthony innately began combining his background in arts and psychology to create new spaces that left an impression.